Family Law and Divorce

If you are facing divorce or separation, you probably have a number of questions and concerns about your future — about your children, your property and your financial security. This is a confusing time, and it’s only natural to feel uncertainty and fear.

I can answer your questions, address your concerns and make the process understandable. I can help take away uncertainty.

I will guide you through the many decisions that must be made during this time, and help put you in a better position to move forward toward your future.

Learning How Family Law Applies to You

As a family lawyer serving clients in Ottawa for over 20 years, I can explain how the law applies to your circumstances. Together we will discuss:


The decisions you make about your children’s future will be some of the most important and difficult choices you will have to make. I can help you understand your rights and options and help you make wise choices about custody, access, support and other other child-related matters.


The division of your property upon legal separation is a complicated process. I can help you decide what to do with your home and vehicles as well as more complicated property such as businesses, pensions, stocks and other complex assets.


If your separation, involves spousal support or child support, you and your spouse will have to structure it in a way that is fair, reasonable and flexible enough to adapt to your changing needs in the future. The government publishes Child Support Guidelines and Suggested Spousal Support Guidelines, but each family’s situation is unique and requires solutions crafted to their needs.


As your separation progresses, your needs will change. Your children will grow and you may have to deal with new partners, new jobs, relocation and changing incomes. I can help you negotiate changes to your separation agreement, and if negotiation and mediation do not work I will protect your interests in court.

Prenuptial agreements and marriage contracts

With the rise in later marriages, remarriages and blended families, more and more clients and wisely opting to set out clear guidelines for how they will deal with separation-related matters in the future.